Orthodontic Care
Orthodontic care isn’t just about your child’s appearance. Correctly positioned teeth play a much bigger role in future dental health than you realize. While braces and Invisalign are common practices used to straighten the teeth of adolescents, younger kids benefit from orthodontic procedures like pre-eruption guidance and space maintainers. If your kids play sports, they may need orthodontic mouth guards.
Orthodontic Care
Orthodontic care isn’t just about your child’s appearance. Correctly positioned teeth play a much bigger role in future dental health than you realize. While braces and Invisalign are common practices used to straighten the teeth of adolescents, younger kids benefit from orthodontic procedures like pre-eruption guidance and space maintainers. If your kids play sports, they may need orthodontic mouth guards.
If your kid’s teeth are crooked or misaligned, creating an awkward smile, it’s time to search for braces for teens near me in New Jersey or in New York City. You’ll find Tiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Woodbridge and Manhattan. They’re experts in working with adolescents and teens. Braces are a common solution for straightening teeth and creating beautiful smiles.

What Are Braces?
Braces are an orthodontic device that helps straighten misaligned, crooked or badly spaced teeth. Around 4.5 million Americans wear braces to correct dental alignment issues every year. About 80 percent of those are children between the ages of six and 18 years old.

Why Get Braces for Teens?
Dental caries are the number one reason children end up in a dentist’s chair. Baby teeth are especially vulnerable to bacteria build-up that eats away at the thinner, softer enamel of primary teeth. Before any child can get braces to straighten their teeth, the teeth need to be healthy or repaired with a dental cleaning and white fillings, if necessary.

If your kid’s teeth are crooked or misaligned, creating an awkward smile, it’s time to search for braces for teens near me in New Jersey or in New York City. You’ll find Tiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Woodbridge and Manhattan. They’re experts in working with adolescents and teens. Braces are a common solution for straightening teeth and creating beautiful smiles.

What Are Braces?
Braces are an orthodontic device that helps straighten misaligned, crooked or badly spaced teeth. Around 4.5 million Americans wear braces to correct dental alignment issues every year. About 80 percent of those are children between the ages of six and 18 years old.

Why Get Braces for Teens?
Dental caries are the number one reason children end up in a dentist’s chair. Baby teeth are especially vulnerable to bacteria build-up that eats away at the thinner, softer enamel of primary teeth. Before any child can get braces to straighten their teeth, the teeth need to be healthy or repaired with a dental cleaning and white fillings, if necessary.

Enjoy sharing your smile

Is Invisalign® Right for Me?
If you are interest in Invisalign®, we have good news - virtually anyone is a candidate! Invisalign® can treat a variety of alignment issues and many of our patients have already seen great results! The results compare to that of traditional braces.

Benefits of Invisalign®
There are many benefits of Invisalign® treatment! Removable aligners allow you to keep up on your oral care and continue enjoying the foods you love. The nearly invisible aligners allow you to confidently work towards a better smile.

Invisalign® Teen
Unlike traditional tooth-aligning treatments, Invisalign® Teen uses a system of clear aligner trays that are completely removable! Teens can stay in the same routine without much interference when using Invisalign treatment.
What Is a Dental Space Maintainer?

Losing baby teeth is a natural part of growing up. But if your child loses primary teeth before permanent adult teeth are ready to come in, it can lead to other dental problems. To prevent these problems, your New York City or New Jersey pediatric dentist may recommend a dental space maintainer, a device that holds the space that was left by the teeth that were lost prematurely.

Space maintainers are custom-fitted to your child’s mouth. They are designed to keep other baby teeth in place until permanent teeth are ready to move into place where they belong. Consult the child dental experts at Tiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry if your child has lost primary teeth earlier than expected to find out if your child needs a dental space maintainer.

In most children, primary teeth begin to erupt between the ages of six months and a year old. Most baby teeth have arrived by the age of three, and these teeth are gradually lost between the ages of six and twelve years old. There are several possible reasons for tooth loss before adult teeth are ready to emerge.

Dental space maintainers usually are made of acrylic or metal. Your NY or NJ pediatric dentist recommends the best type of space maintainer for your child based on the number and location of missing teeth.
Mouth Guards
Many of the dental conditions your kids encounter are beyond your control. But fitting them with customized dental guards if they play sports or a mouth guard for teeth grinding if necessary is one step you can take now to save time and money in the future. Mouth guards are one of many preventative dental care steps offered by Tiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry — in Woodbridge, New Jersey, in Harlem, NY and on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Call today for an appointment.
What Are Mouth Guards?
A dental mouth guard is a device that protects teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue from being injured. Sports are a great way to stay active, but athletes of all ages and skill levels are at increased risk of experiencing a dental injury. Kids mouth guards are most often used as a form of protection during sports. A mouth guard for teeth grinding also is common to protect your child’s teeth from damage.
What Are Reasons a Kids Mouth Guard May Be Recommended?
Some sports greatly increase the risk of damaging or losing a tooth from injury. This includes contact sports that pose an increased risk of injury to the face, as well as sports that have a high risk of trauma from a fall.
What Causes Teeth Griding?
Bruxism is a condition that causes teeth clenching and grinding. It may happen either during sleep or while awake. The condition may have several different causes such as stress, misaligned teeth, and tooth pain.
What Are Different Types of Dental Guards?
The two main types of dental guards are those that are used to protect teeth from trauma and those that are used for patients who grind their teeth. A mouth guard intended to protect the teeth and mouth from injury looks and feels diffeent than a mouth guard for teeth grinding..

Special Needs Dentistry
Special needs children face enough hurdles and complications in their lives. There’s no reason why their oral health should add to those concerns. Tiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry — in Woodbridge, New Jersey, the Lower East Side of Manhattan and Harlem, NY — offers a dentist for special needs kids to keep them healthy and happy. Special needs dentistry requires specialized training and equipment, which you can find at a special needs dentistry near me. Call today to schedule a consultation.

What Is Special Needs Dentistry for Kids?
Special needs dentistry refers to the delivery of dental care services for children who have disabling medical or behavioral conditions. About 14 million children have special care needs, and these kids may require extra care during dental treatments.

Who Requires Special Needs Dental Care?
Special needs dental care caters to children with physical, behavioral or psychological limitations that hamper oral hygiene or routine dental care. A special needs child may require more extensive dental care by a specialist.

Special Needs Dentistry
Special needs children face enough hurdles and complications in their lives. There’s no reason why their oral health should add to those concerns. Tiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry — in Woodbridge, New Jersey, the Lower East Side of Manhattan and Harlem, NY — offers a dentist for special needs kids to keep them healthy and happy. Special needs dentistry requires specialized training and equipment, which you can find at a special needs dentistry near me. Call today to schedule a consultation.

What Is Special Needs Dentistry for Kids?
Special needs dentistry refers to the delivery of dental care services for children who have disabling medical or behavioral conditions. About 14 million children have special care needs, and these kids may require extra care during dental treatments.

Who Requires Special Needs Dental Care?
Special needs dental care caters to children with physical, behavioral or psychological limitations that hamper oral hygiene or routine dental care. A special needs child may require more extensive dental care by a specialist.
Sedation Dentistry
Conscious Sedation

What Is Pediatric Sedation Dentistry?
For anxious or fearful children, those with special needs, ones in urgent care, or children having lengthy or multiple procedures, pediatric sedation dentistry offers a safe drug th-erapy. It enables dentists to perform procedures such as filling cavities or extracting tee-th with the least possible discomfort.

How Do I Prepare My Child for Sedation?
To ensure your young one’s dental experience has the best possible outcome, start preparations well in advance. Be proactive about tell-ing your child what to expect. If this is the first time experiencing a dental procedure like this one, calmly and matter-of-factly explain in simple terms what the dentist will do.

What Happens When My Child Gets Drowsy?
As a parent, it’s normal if you experience discomfort watching your child being given sedation. Be mindful that your child can sense your concern, so remain as calm and reassuring as you can by touching your child’s arm or leg, and even wh-ispering comforting words. During the procedure, you may be asked to wait in the waiting room.
What Does Post-Operative Care Mean?

Post-op care for kids after dentistry procedures is an integral part of your child’s dental care. A number of dental procedures — such as a tooth extraction, root canal, or frenectomy — re-quire special care to heal effectively. Proper aftercare also reduces the risk of complications.

The pediatric dentists at Tiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Woodbridge, New Jersey and in Manhattan work closely with you to deliver the best dental care for your child. The board cer-tified dentists and experienced staff guide you through any needed dental procedures and provide comprehensive aftercare instructions.

At home, if you notice any signs of complications, such as bleeding, contact your dentist. Tiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry offers emergency and urgent care services.